Team update #12
November 15th 1630 UTC

Team update #11
November 14th 1600 UTC

Team update #10
November 12th 0630 UTC
Yesterday (Tuesday) morning, we had an early wake-up call as workers arrived to reinforce the dam. We took down the vertical antenna on 160m, packed up the radials, and in the evening, we set it up again in the same spot. Suddenly, we had a clean spectrum on 160m and worked with many new stations on FT8.
We made the first-ever QSO on 30m SSB, allowed for VK and Oceania. About 25 stations called.
The end of the expedition is approaching. The last activity on 80/160m will likely be on the night of Wednesday to Thursday. After that, we’ll gradually start packing up antennas and workstations, with one station planned at each QTH for the last night (Nov. 14-15).
QRT will likely be at our sunrise – Nov. 15, 2024, 00:00z

Team update #9
November 11th 2000 UTC

Team update #8
November 9th 1000 UTC

Team update #7
November 8th 0900 UTC
Team info: On Wednesday morning, there were no bands open. Joe OM4MW was on 40m CW during the night, but after sunrise, the bands closed. Altogether, we had very few QSOs with human modes in the morning, and the bands remained closed for almost the entire day.Only at our sunset (around 12:00z) was it possible to do something again, but the signals were very weak and fluctuating.

Team update #6
November 6th 0600 UTC

Team update #5
November 5th 0600 UTC

Team update #4
November 4th 1200 UTC
Antennas and QTH Setup
- Area: approx. 150 m²
- Antennas: 12m and 17m Dipole, SpiderBeam, 30m/40m Verticals (on a single coax cable)
- Equipment: Expert Electronics SunSDR, Icom 705, Kenwood TS-480, 2x PA
- Area: approx. 1000 m²
- Antennas: 160m Vertical, SpiderBeam, VDA (10m and 12m), DX Commander, DHDL toward EU
- Equipment: 2x Yaesu FTDX10, 2x PA
- Area: approx. 4000 m²
- Antennas: Hexbeam, SpiderBeam, 30m Vertical, 40m Vertical, 80m Vertical, 3-element Yagi on 6m
- Plan: 2x Beverages (one directed to EU and another to the US East Coast) or alternatively DHDL
- Equipment: 2x Yaesu FTDX10, Elecraft K3, 3x PA

Team update #3
November 4th 0500 UTC

Team update #2
November 3rd 0730 UTC
We have uploaded the first logs to Clublog. We know some FT8 contacts are missing because we lack synchronization. We’ll try to fix the issues by tomorrow. The next update should be fine. People should be patient and avoid sending us screenshots of confirmed contacts.
Antennas: Currently, we have 2x Spider, 1x Hexbeam, verticals for 40 and 30m, a DX Commander, dipoles for 1w and 17m, and a VDA for 10 and 12m.
We’ll be setting up additional antennas this afternoon when the sun is a bit lower. It’s very exhausting under the sun, around 40°C, so we build only in the morning and evening.

Team update #1
November 2nd 01 UTC
On Friday afternoon our time, we set up 3 workstations and erected 3 antennas: so far, only 2x dipole and 1x DX Commander. Operations started on November 1st around 12:40z, with Lubo starting on 10m CW (about 150 QSOs), and Sysa, Ruda, and Martin were on 17m SSB (around 560 QSOs). Additionally, 12/17m FT8 ran all night, and another team started 40m FT8 on the vertical later in the evening. Today we’re going to set up more antennas and build additional workstations. Photos later.

T-shirt with logo VK9CV
September 13, 2024
Do you like our DX-pedition t-shirt? Now you can buy it. Visit our mini eshop..

Our QTH during DXpedition
August 26, 2024
Cndx to the USA on the upper bands last very short, that’s why we decided to use 3 QTHs so that we could simultaneously be on one band at one time CW/SSB/DIGI.
Distance between them is app. 700m so we hope as little QRM as possible

July 12, 2024
During the expedition, the team will upload to ClubLog.org once a day. Livestream will not be active.

LOTW Certificate
July 12, 2024
Today we received LOTW Certificate. VK9CV is valid callsign for DXCC!!

6m band will be active
July 12, 2024
The VK9CV team announces that they will also try to activate the 6m band.
Frequencies and modes can be found here

DX-pedition: Cocos (Keeling) isl. || VK9CV
June 29, 2024
We are happy to announce that members of OM7M and CDXP will be active from Cocos-Keeling island as VK9CV during 01.11 – 15. 11. 2024.
Team consisting of VK5GR, OK6DJ, OM5ZW, OM4AYL, OK2ZA, OM3PC, OM4MM and OM4MW will be active on all HF bands 160-10m, CW, SSB, FT8, RTTY and SAT QO-100.
Stay tuned!